Create your own virtual world!
Welcome to our exciting Virtual Reality STEM Incursion Program! With this program, students can explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through interactive, three-dimensional virtual worlds. Our program is designed to engage students in a way that traditional classrooms cannot, allowing them to explore their own interests in STEM.

With our program, students will learn to think better and be more creative by exploring and experimenting in a stimulating virtual environment. Our program also encourages collaboration between students, allowing them to work together to solve complex problems. Our program is designed to be fun and engaging, and it will leave your students with an understanding of STEM concepts that will last a lifetime. Get ready to take your students on a STEM journey of discovery today with our Virtual Reality STEM Incursion Program!
This program is designed to enhance future focused learning skills. Students' creativity and imagination will come to life as they use revolutionary technology to physically connect with the curriculum by building and coding their own experiences. They will enhance their digital literacy skills and develop visual learning and thinking as well as enhance their collaboration skills through teamwork.
Give students an alternative to mobile games and e-readers by allowing them to create and code virtual objects, play AR games and explore their world in VR.
This program can be customised to target and link into your teaching program. For example, maybe you are studying British colonies and the development of a colony in Australia. Students in our Virtual Reality STEAM Program could:
- Choose one significant event that shaped Australia’s identity, re-create the scene from the perspective of someone who lived through the event and then travel through time using the VR headsets.
- Create a scene from the perspective of both a settler and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, including possible scenarios that may have occurred.
The possibilities to link into all parts of the curriculum are endless and only limited to the creativity and imagination of the students.
All challenges and coding principles taught in the Virtual Reality STEAM Program link to the Australian Curriculum.
We are dedicated to giving students the best STEM learning experience possible. Our team of experienced STEM educators have created a program that is both educational and fun. We believe that the best way to learn is through exploration, experimentation, and collaboration. With our Virtual Reality STEM Incursion Program, students can explore virtual worlds and get creative with problem solving. Our program is designed to promote critical thinking and collaboration, while fostering a lifelong love of STEM. We are confident that your students will have an unforgettable experience with our program, and will come away with a greater understanding and appreciation of STEM concepts.
Suitable for Years 3-6
Maximum Participants: 4 classes (maximum of 30 students each class) - more classes possible with additonal booking dates
Duration: 8 weeks - 1 hour session for each class - 4 classes on the same day (Same day each week for 8 weeks, e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc.)
Location Required: Classroom
ALL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED! Workshop price includes hire of equipment and a term license to the online Co-spaces software for each student so that they can continue to create and code during non-workshop periods.
Request your Booking
Pricing and Options
Available in NSW/ACT and Melbourne Metro only.
Other areas please contact us for pricing.
We require a minimum of 2 classes to participate in this program.
All pricing is ex GST.
ALL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED! Workshop price includes hire of equipment.
4 Classes - 8 Week Program
Sydney Metro – Blue Mountains – Melbourne Metro
$1,150 per week - Total Package $9,200
Wollongong – Shellharbour – Central Coast
$1,215 per week - Total Package $9,720
Newcastle – Lower Hunter Region
$1,270 per week - Total Package $10,160
3 Classes - 8 Week Program
Sydney Metro – Blue Mountains – Melbourne Metro
$865 per week - Total Package $6,920
Wollongong – Shellharbour – Central Coast
$910 per week - Total Package $7,280
Newcastle – Lower Hunter Region
$950 per week - Total Package $7,600
2 Classes - 8 Week Program
Sydney Metro – Blue Mountains – Melbourne Metro
$575 per week - Total Package $4,600
Wollongong – Shellharbour – Central Coast
$605 per week - Total Package $4,840
Newcastle – Lower Hunter Region
$635 per week - Total Package $5,080
If you school has more than 4 classes participating then multiple days will need to be scheduled each week.
Other Student STEAM Incursions available from Sammat Education