Our "Instructional Leader" in-class Professional Learning Program
Building the capacity of K-6 schools and teachers in integrating STEM and Digital Technologies into the Curriculum.
Over the last 13 years Sammat Education has provided professional learning for teachers on a range of topics related to ICT, robotics and integrating STE(A)M in the curriculum. With the ever increasing roles and responsibilities of teachers we know and understand how crowded the curriculum is. More responsibilities are placed onto teachers in relation to data collection, analysis and differentiating programming as well as maintaining their professional learning hours.
So we wanted to change the traditional professional learning model?
We asked: How can we provide support for teachers, provide them with quality professional learning but not burden them with an additional responsibility of programming or time away from their students?
We planned: What about combining all the fantastic professional learning we provide and the popular student incursion programs that we run in schools everyday to support classroom teachers?
We created: “STEAM in Practice”. This is where we model integrating the STEAM curriculum into the classroom while teaching shoulder-to-shoulder via Google Meet with classroom teachers, leading and supporting them in exciting future focused learning programs.
The Results and Benefits for your School:
* Teachers who are confident and excited in being leaders of a new pedagogy.* In-class professional learning so teachers are not taken away from their class and no casual relief needed
* Teaching and Learning programs that successfully integrate STEAM and technologies rather than those being a separate subject.
* Students who are engaged in using the technology to drive learning.
It’s all about collaboration, building knowledge and developing skills! What an amazing way to showcase the reality and importance of life-long learners.
Would you like to know more? Click on your Region below for more information and to download a prospectus!

NSW Metro Schools Program
Our Metro program is available for Sydney, Blue Mountains, Wollongong/Shellharbour, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Region schools.
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Regional Schools Program
Our Regional program is available for schools in all states and territories as well as all NSW Regional schools.
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