Hummingbird Duo Base Kit
$271.82 ex GST
The Hummingbird Duo Base Kit contains everything you need to build a fun robot with moving parts and lots of LED lights. Sensors in the base kit allow your robot to sense light levels or temperature. Includes:
One Hummingbird Duo controller
Power supply, USB cable, terminal tool, snap-in stand-offs
Red, orange, yellow, and green single-colour LEDs
Two tri-colour LEDs
Two hobby servos and one servo extension cable
One light sensor, and one temperature sensor
Program in everything from Scratch to Java!

The Finch
$89.00 ex GST
The Finch is a new robot for computer science education. Its design is the result of a four year study at Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab. The Finch is designed to support an engaging introduction to the art of programming. It has support for over a dozen programming languages and environments, including several environments appropriate for students as young as eight years old. The Finch was designed to allow students to write richly interactive programs. On-board features include:
Light, temperature, and obstacle sensors
Full-colour beak LED
Pen mount for drawing capability
Plugs into USB port - no batteries required